7x Winner of the MMIT Patient Choice Award!

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PANTHERx Specialty Pharmacy has earned the #1 ranking in the Zitter Health Insights Patient Satisfaction Survey for the second quarter of 2017.  This achievement follows on the heels of PANTHERx® Specialty Pharmacy’s recognition as the winner of the 2016 Specialty Pharmacy Patient Choice Awards™, and highlights PANTHERx’s ongoing commitment to unsurpassed patient care.

The Zitter Health Insights survey assesses numerous aspects of patient satisfaction and analyzes responses from more than 10,000 specialty pharmacy patients across the entire specialty pharmacy industry.  By leveraging a validated external process to aggregate unbiased patient feedback, specialty pharmacies can objectively assess how they are perceived by their patients as well as benchmark how they compare to competitor performance in the areas of patient perception, access, and adherence.

The key measure of the Zitter survey is the Net Promoter Score (NPS), an index of -100 to 100 that measures patients’ willingness to recommend their pharmacy to others. Patients responding with a 9 or 10 improve the score, while patient’s responding with 0 to 6, detract from the overall score.  PANTHERx Specialty Pharmacy’s NPS across all categories was 97. This score is the highest across all specialty pharmacies assessed and more than double the average across all other specialty pharmacies for the Q2 2017 survey.  In addition, an NPS of 97 is only one point shy of the highest score ever achieved by any specialty pharmacy surveyed by Zitter Health Insights which was recorded by PANTHERx in Q3 2016 when an NPS of 98 was attained.

We could not be more proud of the sustainability of the satisfaction of our patients and know that it is a direct reflection of our dedicated colleagues who go out of their way each day to address their unique needs.” says Dr. Douglas Gebhard, VP of Quality & Education at PANTHERx. “Consistently delivering exceptional results each quarter proves that our unique and personalized approach is something that patients appreciate.”

Other PANTHERx Specialty Pharmacy awards and recognitions can be found under the “Accolades” section of this pantherxrare.com.