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PANTHERx® Specialty Pharmacy’s Fellowship program was featured in an article published by Specialty Pharmacy Continuum on April 11, 2018. The fellowship is designed to help address an emerging need in pharmacy – professionals with experience and specializations in both the business and clinical aspects of specialty pharmacy. During the fellowship, the fellows rotate through different departments learning about business and pharmacy operations; quality improvement and clinical education; pharmacy analytics and reporting; and business development, and also strategic partnerships and managed markets. By the completion of the term, fellows are expected to coordinate and complete a focused research project and submit a manuscript of the work to a peer-reviewed journal.

The Specialty Pharmacy Continuum (www.specialtypharmacycontinuum.com) covers news and information relevant to specialty pharmacists, home infusion practitioners, managed care organizations, and other key providers of specialty pharmacy.

PANTHERx® sees this fellowship as an opportunity to not only develop and nurture new talent for specialty pharmacies, but also as a means to build relationships with talented young pharmacy professionals. In the article, Doug Gebhard, PharmD, MBA, the PANTHERx® Specialty Pharmacy’s Vice President of Quality and Education discussed the benefit of this program to PANTHERx® – “The ultimate goal is to create a pipeline of talented individuals who we can develop internally and then recruit into a role within the organization.”

The article also discussed the experience of PANTHERx®’s first fellow, Matt Misorski, PharmD. You can read about his experience by visiting this link (subscription required).

You can learn more about the fellowship at this link or e-mail fellowship@pantherspecialty.com. Applications have already been closed for the upcoming fellowship term that starts in July, but applicants for future fellowships are already under consideration.