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Jonathan Ogurchak, Director, Clinical Programs & Pharmacy Operations at PANTHERx Specialty, will be a speaker at CBI’s Speed to Therapy Strategy Summit, a high-level conference aimed at key players in the pharmaceutical industry.

The theme of the conference is Optimize Stakeholder Collaboration and Shorten Time to Fill. Held in Philadelphia, it provides a forum in which colleagues across the industry can collaborate to devise best practices and develop effective solutions to shorten patient wait time and increase speed to therapy.

Ogurchak will participate in a panel discussion at 8:45AM on Tuesday, August 11th:

Effectively Manage the Relationship between all Speed to Therapy Stakeholders to Optimize Patient Engagement

He will also present on behalf of PANTHERx Specialty at 9:45AM Tuesday, August 11 – Maximize the Manufacturer-Specialty Pharmacy Partnership to Improve Time to Fill

CBI is a leader in conferences for the pharmaceutical industry.

PANTHERx Specialty Pharmacy is a leading national specialty pharmacy headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. PANTHERx Specialty’s mission is to reinvent specialty, revolutionize pharmacy, and redefine care through high-touch patient services for orphan diseases, transplant, HIV, hepatitis C, oncology, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, cystic fibrosis and other conditions. PANTHERx Specialty provides high-tech medication fulfillment and patient education, along with clinical and financial support services, including counseling on medication adherence and side-effect management. PANTHERx Specialty serves as a contracted 340B specialty pharmacy for covered entities, Ryan White Programs, and state AIDS Drug Assistance Programs (ADAP) throughout the country. For more information, please visit pantherxrare.com.